Omega-3 fatty acids- Meaning, Importance, Benefits and more
Omega-3 fatty acids- Meaning, Importance, Benefits and more
When it comes to health and nutritional elements, we often hear the name of omega-3 fatty acids. But are you aware of its benefits? So let's know in detail today what is Omega 3 fatty acid and what are its requirements and benefits.
Flaxseed seeds- Flaxseed seeds are also rich in omega 3 and lignanes (which act like an antioxidant) in addition to a wide variety of nutrients. It is a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber and protein. It can be taken up to three grams throughout the day. Flax seeds can be eaten by stuffing them in chutney or bread.
When it comes to health and nutritional elements, we often hear the name of omega-3 fatty acids. But are you aware of its benefits? So let's know in detail today what is Omega 3 fatty acid and what are its requirements and benefits.
Meaning of Omega-3 Fatty Acid- It is a type of fat. It helps in physical and mental development with the production of hormones in the body.
Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acid
There are some fats such as omega 3 fats, conjugated linoleic acid and gamma linolenic acid, which alters the body's hormones, reduces appetite and also helps in dieting. Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids also reduces the risk of heart attack. It helps the arteries to expand, allowing blood flow to them properly and helps enzymes easily dissolve fat in the body and improve their metabolism. This causes excess fat to accumulate in the body. But this fatty acid is not made in the body, it can be ingested only by food. Linseed is the best source of omega-3 acids for vegetarians, while non-vegetarians get it from fish.
Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are very useful for the body. This keeps you from many types of diseases. The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids are explained in detail below.
Omega 3 fatty acids relieve depression and anxiety - Depression is the most common type of mental disorder. It does not keep you sad, lethargy and interest in life. Apart from this, it is common for every other person to have anxiety in today's time, in this person also feels nervous. Studies have shown that people who consume omega 3 fatty acids regularly are less likely to develop depression and anxiety.
Beneficial for the eyes- DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid / DHA / essential element for brain and eyes) is a type of omega 3. It is considered essential for the retina of the brain and eyes. When you do not ingest enough DHA, it causes damage to your eyes. Importantly, taking omega-3s in greater amounts reduces the risk of macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is one of the problems of the eyes, in which you see blurred or reduced vision.
Helpful in brain building of the child during pregnancy - Omega-3 fatty acids are important for children's brain development. DHA (a type of omega 3) contains 40% of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the brain and 60% in the retina of the eye. Therefore, giving children DHA-rich formula can improve their eyesight.
Taking omega 3 fatty acids by the mother during pregnancy has many benefits to the baby, such as -
Be sharp
To be sociable
Reduced practical problems
Difficulties in growing
ADHD (attention and hyperactivity disorder / ADHD)
Decreased risk of cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy / neurological disorder) etc.
Helpful in reducing cardiovascular risks - Heart attack and stroke are considered the leading cause of death worldwide. In one research, researchers found that fish-eating communities had very low rates of such diseases. Researchers later found that this was partly due to people taking omega-3 from this community.
Since then omega-3 fatty acids are considered useful for heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids have the following benefits to heart health -
Since then omega-3 fatty acids are considered useful for heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids have the following benefits to heart health -
Triglycerides (Triglycerides / Blood Fats): Omega-3 is a major cause of lowering of triglycerides, usually omega-3 can reduce it by 15-30%.
Blood pressure: In people with omega-3 hypertension (high BP), it is helpful in lowering blood pressure levels.
HDL-Cholesterol: Omega 3 HDL (Good Cholesterol) is helpful in increasing cholesterol levels.
Blood clots: Omega 3 prevents the platelets in the blood from sticking together. It helps in reducing the process of damaging blood clots.
Plaque: Omega 3 does not allow plaque to accumulate in the arteries to keep the arteries healthy and free from damage.
Inflammation: Omega 3 acts to reduce the causes of inflammation.
Omega 3 reduces autoimmune diseases - In auto-immune disease (autoimmune diseases), the immune system is poorly understood and destroys healthy cells. Diabetes type 1 is an example of this problem. In this, your immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
Studies have shown that taking omega 3 in the first year after birth reduces the risk of autoimmune disease. Omega-3 is also used to help treat lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and psoriasis.
Omega 3 reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease - The functioning of the brain declines due to aging. Several studies have shown that consuming an omega 3-rich diet reduces the risk of poor memory and Alzheimer's disease in old age. In addition, a study found that people who eat fatty fish have a sharp memory.
In the same way, there are many more.
Other benefits of omega 3 fatty acids
Other benefits of omega 3 fatty acids
Helps reduce breast cancer and prostate cancer
Children are less likely to have asthma
Reduces liver fat
Essential for joints and bones
Reduces menstrual pain
Beneficial for sleep and skin
Reduces neurological disorders
Reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome
Sources of omega-3 fatty acids
Flaxseed seeds- Flaxseed seeds are also rich in omega 3 and lignanes (which act like an antioxidant) in addition to a wide variety of nutrients. It is a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber and protein. It can be taken up to three grams throughout the day. Flax seeds can be eaten by stuffing them in chutney or bread.
Walnut- A nut full of many vitamins and nutrients is an excellent source of not only omega 3, but also protein and dietary fiber. It also contains manganese, copper, phosphorus and manganese. Eating at least 4 to 5 kernels of walnuts daily is beneficial
Blueberry- Berry is not only a good medium for antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, but omega 3 is also found in plenty in it. About 174 milligrams of omega 3 fatty acids are found in blueberries.
Mustard oil- It is low in saturated fat and contains both omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. Among other oils, soybean, walnut, flaxseed oil are also beneficial. But, consume it only in balanced quantities. And do not take more than 3 to 4 teaspoons a day.
Soybean- Soybeans contain proteins, isoflavones, fiber, lecithin, cabrehydrates and micronutrients etc. You can also use its milk. Those people who do not digest milk-yogurt, they can also take soybean in different forms. There is about 40 grams of protein per hundred grams of milk.
Salmon- Salmon fish is considered the best source of omega 3. This fatty acid is also a good source of vitamin D, niacin, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and selenium. But it should not take more than 100 grams. Instead of frying salmon, eating it lightly with roast or steam is more beneficial.
Seafood- Seafood such as prawn, shrimp, oyster, etc. have a significant amount of omega 3 fatty acids. Those animals, especially fish, which live in cold water, contain a lot of omega 3 fatty acids.
Side effects of Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega 3 is important for your body, but in many cases it can also harm you. Pregnant women should avoid consuming mercury-rich fish, as it has adverse effects on the health of the child. Omega 3 should be avoided in any form without medical advice.
The side effects of omega 3 are reported as follows.
The side effects of omega 3 are reported as follows.
The risk of bleeding is high. In many cases, consuming omega 3-containing drugs puts you at risk of a blood disorder. There is also a possibility of blood thinning.
Omega 3 can cause problems with your intestines. You may have problems due to nausea and bad taste in the mouth mainly by taking fish oil supplements. Taking omega 3 supplements may cause diarrhea, belching, acidity, flatulence and chest irritation.
Taking omega 3 supplements can lower your BP. People taking low blood pressure medication should be vigilant in taking it.
Taking fish oil medicines can increase the blood sugar level in your body rapidly. Omega 3 supplementation with diabetes medication can cause harm. If this happens, your blood sugar level may increase.
This post will tell you about Meaning of Omega-3 Fatty Acid, Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acid, Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids, Sources of omega-3 fatty acids, Side effects of Omega-3 fatty acids so that you can understand why it is important for our body and what are it's harmful effects if taken in excess.
This post will tell you about Meaning of Omega-3 Fatty Acid, Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acid, Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids, Sources of omega-3 fatty acids, Side effects of Omega-3 fatty acids so that you can understand why it is important for our body and what are it's harmful effects if taken in excess.
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